All 关于 EV Battery Recycling

Published Apr 5, 2024

Volkswagen employee demonstrating disassembly of an electric car battery
18日,在大众汽车电动汽车电池研究及生产设施试点项目中,一名员工正在演示拆卸电动汽车电池, 2022 in Salzgitter, 德国.
Getty/Morris MacMatzen


这是因为在美国,交通运输部门的温室气体排放量几乎占温室气体排放量的30%. 如果我们想要赢得战斗的机会,公平而快速地逐步淘汰化石燃料将要求我们的出行方式电气化. 这也意味着我们需要非常重视电动汽车(EV)电池的回收.

Why do we need an EV battery recycling policy?

Thanks to advances in technology, nearly 100 different models of EVs are available for purchase today, with more coming in the next few years. EVs are powered by electricity which is stored within battery packs. The batteries are assembled from materials such as lithium, 钴, 和镍, meaning this transition to EVs will require an 增加 这些矿物为未来道路上的电动汽车、卡车和公共汽车提供动力.

EVs typically stay on the road for about 10-15 years, but the battery can have an even longer lifespan. 当电池电量为原始额定容量的70% - 80%时,电动汽车通常会退役. If in good condition, 电池可以从电动汽车上取下来,并在回收之前重新用于其他目的,如固定能量存储. The materials recovered from recycling can be used to manufacture new batteries, 因此,减少了新开采材料的数量,以满足即将到来的矿物需求. This is especially critical because while there are only about 1.400万年 EVs on the road in the United States today, that number will continue to 增加. With more EVs on the road, 对电池材料的需求将会增长,随着越来越多的电动汽车退役,回收利用可以满足相当数量的需求. 研究 显示,如果大量回收电池,有足够的已探明或潜在的矿产储量,可以利用现有技术为全球运输部门提供电力.

a solar charger for electric vehicles in a parking lot
Pexels/Kindel Media

Policy is critical in getting it 正确的

在从化石燃料转型的过程中,我们有很大的机会制定政策 正确的. 这意味着围绕电动汽车电池的再利用和回收制定明智的政策,以减少未来对材料需求和采矿的需求. 随着电动汽车销量的增长, 电池和制造它们的材料的适当再利用和回收需要积极主动, science-based policy to create a sustainable and ethical electrified transportation system. The type of recycling also matters. 政策和法规对于确保关键矿物的高回收率和低环境和社区影响是重要的.

例如, 我们需要制定政策,确保所有电动汽车电池在使用寿命结束时得到安全管理,并确保材料可以回收. If recycling requirements are not enacted, there is the possibility of batteries being inappropriately disposed of or scrapped.

An “Extended Producer Responsibility” (EPR) approach could address this. EPR计划将回收责任分配给设计和生产这些电池的制造商, and mitigates the burden on individual owners, small businesses, and disassemblers and facilitating a centralized and more sustainable recycling process. 这种模式还促进了从生产开始就对环境负责,并与欧盟的先例和床垫等其他产品的回收计划保持一致, 油漆, 和地毯. 集中责任还可以帮助确保有效和安全地处理报废电池, help drive down recycling costs, and support the broader goal of sustainable electrification of transportation.

忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟(UCS)支持EPR,认为它是在交通运输领域创造循环经济的关键一步, reducing the demand for raw materials, and minimizing environmental impact. UCS建议制定具有回收回收率和加强社区保护的EPR,以确保所有电池都得到回收,并降低回收成本. 这对于减少未来几十年运输系统电气化所需的采矿量至关重要.

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